How to Cancel Audible Membership on Android or iPhone 2023

How to Cancel Audible Membership? Cancellation Page

Currently, Audible does not support membership cancellation on Audible App. So, canceling your Audible membership on Android or iPhone can be little frustrating if you are not aware of the trick.

In this article, you will get to know how you can cancel Audible membership on mobile or desktop!

But, before you proceed to cancel your membership, please keep in mind that any unused Audible Credits associated with your account will be terminated once your membership is canceled.

So, it would be best to try and use all of your credits before you make the final decision to end your membership. Remember, any audiobooks you purchase (even during your free trial) are yours to keep forever, even if you are no longer a member. So, be sure to use those credits.

How to Cancel Audible Membership on Desktop

Here’s the step-by-step process to cancel audible membership on desktop:

1. Go to Audible’s Official Website and sign in. Then click or hover over your name and from the menu choose Account Details.

Account Details Menu on hover

2. In the membership details page, click on the ‘Cancel Membership’ button as shown below.

Membership Details, Cancel Membership

3. You will be asked to choose the reason for canceling your membership. Choose your reason and click on ‘Continue Canceling

Reason For Canceling - Too expensive

4. Based on your reason, Audible will give you some instant offers, so that you may continue your membership with Audible. If you are interested in the offer, you may accept it. Or else, you can simply ignore it and click on ‘Finish Canceling’.

50 Percent off on Audible Credits for 3 months offer

As shown above, if you chose ‘It’s too expensive’ as your reason, Audible will give you an offer to continue your membership at 50% off for 3 months!

So, if you were actually canceling the membership due to Audible’s high price, you have earned a pretty good deal here! 😉

There are many other hidden offers and tricks to get Audible credits or books at a much cheaper rate, or sometimes even for free!

You can refer to the article on How to get Audible credits cheaply, where I have discussed 27 Amazing tips and tricks to save money on Audible! Before you cancel your membership, you may read the article once to see if any of the Audible offers out there are of your interest.

5. After you click on ‘Finish Canceling’, Audible may ask you to confirm your cancelation. Once you click on ‘No thanks, continue canceling‘, your membership will be finally canceled!

Cancel Membership Conformation Screenshot

So that’s how you can cancel your Audible membership on Desktop or Laptop.

How to Cancel Audible Membership on iPhone or Android

Though the steps for canceling Audible membership on mobile are almost the same as that on a desktop, there is one problem. In most cases, you won’t see the ‘Cancel Membership’ option in the mobile site when you visit the Membership details page in your Audible account.

You can check it yourself. Log in to your Audible account using your mobile browser ( Like Chrome or Safari).

Here’s the home page as seen from Chrome on Android.

Screenshot of Audible Mobile Home Page

Click on the Menu button on the upper left corner. From the Menu choose ‘My Account’, and then click on ‘View Membership Details’.

Unlike, desktop site, you will not see the ‘Cancel Membership’ option on the Membership details page.

Audible Membership Cancel option on mobile site missing

So, what next?

Here comes the trick.

To cancel your Audible membership on mobile, you just have to take one extra step after you log in to your account using a mobile browser.

Just go to the bottom of the page, and find the option for ’Full Site’ and click on it.

Audible Full Desktop Site on Mobile

Once you click it, you will be redirected to the desktop version of the site.

Audible Full Site on Mobile, Screenshot

You can now see the menu bar on top, same as that of the desktop site.

Once you are on the desktop site, remaining all steps to cancel audible membership on phone are the same as that of the desktop version explained above.

Click Here to Jump up to the section of the article showing the steps for the desktop version of the site.

I hope this article on how to cancel Audible membership on Android or iPhone was helpful to you. If you have any doubts regarding the steps mentioned above, please share it in the comment section below. I would be glad to answer them as best as I can.

4 thoughts on “How to Cancel Audible Membership on Android or iPhone 2023”

  1. I never subscribe to audible and I am being charged 1596 at certain intervals do not know how this happened because I never subscribe to it I need to be compensated and definitely I need this canceled

  2. Hey I would like to cancel any account/ subscription with Audible.
    I didn’t even know i had membership, I feel so devastated, taking my R231 without any head-up.

    1. You might have used Audible App or Audible’s mobile site, Marcia. As of now, the option to cancel your membership is available only through Audible’s desktop site. However, you can access the desktop site using your mobile too. The method is explained in the article above. I hope that helps. Good luck!

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